quinta-feira, 29 de abril de 2010

I thought of you.

Today I remembered you! But unlike other days, today I really miss you. I can't control myself, neither pay attention to anything and even the music I'm listening. People are talking, but the only thing that I hear are just noises that don't mean absolutely nothing. I wanted to be with you, the same time I would like never have known you, can you understand me? That day you remembered me, my heart sunk, and I don't know if I was happy because you remembered or sad because you was long so much. Now, the only distraction that I have are my friends, because they can make me happy when you aren't here, when you are doing other thing and probably don't want to talk with me, I don't know, and I think I will never know. I'm not worried about us, I only miss you more than ever.
Ps: se não entendeu, translate.google.com.br

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